Behind the scenes of DreamBaby Cafe

with LuAnn Marlow


I help moms like you go from "I'm not sure I can do this" to "I'm so glad we didn't give up because I love this so much".  There is something really magic about the mom and baby relationship. And it doesn't matter what your goals are, or what we are working on. I help find out what you want your motherhood journey to look like, then we start from there to help make that happen. My secret sauce is being able to listen to your whole story and listen for those tiny details that are the missing pieces - like a detective looking for clues to solve your great mystery. 


But, the thing is, you are the one who is telling me what you and your baby need. And I just help you recognize your own expertise. Because YOU are the real expert in taking care of your baby. You might need a little bit of instruction or help learning your baby's language. Honestly, a lot of what I do is  help you to turn off the outside noise so you can trust what it is you really know in your heart you want. That is what I am really here to do. 

Why I Do It

Well, that's easy. I pretty much have the greatest job in all the world! Although, this picture may not be the most flattering, I think it shows how delighted I am at my "job". My dad said to me earlier this week "You always knew you wanted to be in nursing. It's not a job for you. This is your calling." I know that in my heart to be true. Each family has been placed in front of me for a special purpose and I want them to feel that I have given my very best to them at each encounter. 

What makes me different? 


You have plenty of options for birth professionals, baby experts, sleep consultants or breastfeeding helpers. So, why choose me? That is a good question. One of the reasons I started Dream Baby Care is because of all of that overwhelm from so many choices. I think If I wasn't a  a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with so much experience, I might be confused too by all I see on social media 😆

 I added the additional certification to be an IBCLC  (licensed and board certified lactation consultant)  and the certification in pediatric sleep because I wanted to be able to help parents with the issues they were struggling with the most.  And I have the ability to do that by pulling in all of my years of experience and education to look at your family's struggles from a 360 degree viewpoint . 

Book a consult or class


I'm not here to "fix" your baby with a cookie cutter program that is aimed at one "problem" at the expense of everything else.  When we work together, I am bringing my expertise and experience in all of these areas - feeding, sleep, health and development - together.with YOUR expertise with your baby and YOUR goals, hopes and dreams  to develop plans that support those while also being  supportive of your baby's normal growth, development and connection needs. Working with me is a partnership. 

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